Our classrooms offer a fully immersive environment in both the Mandarin Traditional and Spanish languages, exposing the child to the language entirely and continually. This learning incorporates Math, Reading, Writing, Vocabulary, Science, Geography and Art in your language choice, through the Montessori Method. The goal is to provide your child with a solid foundation in the language and provide them with a bilingual or trilingual experience.

Our Montessori trained teachers are native Mandarin speakers from all over China and Taiwan. We teach the Traditional Mandarin style focusing on character stoke and vocabulary learning.
Mandarin is quickly becoming the world’s most second spoken language. It is growing internationally allowing speakers to compete in the global environment- especially in the economic, business and tech markets. When learning Mandarin, your children will study not only the characters, but the tonal and phonetic elements as well. Mandarin, being a tonal language, means that the word definitions can change based on intonation.
Learning a language like Mandarin allows speakers to use both the right and left sides of their brains – much like learning music. This kind of brain exercise is unique only to those who study it.

Our Spanish classrooms are led by native-speaking Montessori teachers who provide continued exposure of the language through lessons, books, music and constant conversation. Meaningful usage of the language encourages the child to practice their social and academic vocabularies. This reinforcement, in addition to the Montessori learning style, allows the child to gain a well-rounded understanding of the language at their own pace. Our teaches utilize the Spanish alphabet and sounds to guide students through the development of their reading and writing skills in addition to other subjects.
The Benefits of Raising a Bilingual Child
By K. Lori Hanson | Published on Miami Herald
Habla espanol? Or èske ou pale kreyòl? Or perhaps you’re fluent in another language — or just want your child to be? Teaching kids an additional language (or two) starting at a young age presents them with a host of benefits… read
What's Going on Inside the Brain of a Bilingual Child?
By Anya Kamenetz | Published on KQED
Brains, brains, brains. One thing we've learned at NPR Ed is that people are fascinated by brain research. And yet it can be hard to point to places where our education system is really making use of the latest neuroscience findings.… read